Journalism Studies
The division comprises members of the German Communication Association who work or have interests in the field of journalism theory, practice, research and education. Academics and practitioners at all stages of their professional career are welcome to join.
The division aims to provide a forum to promote the academic field, journalism as a profession, and professional education in journalism. Members of the division apply a wide array of theoretical, epistemological and methodological approaches, contributing to a pluralistic marketplace of ideas. The division organizes annual conferences where these diverse perspectives are presented and discussed. To ensure high quality and promote cutting-edge theoretical thinking and empirical studies, all submissions to conferences are subject to double-blind peer review. Conferences serve to document and inform about the history, developments, and state of the art of the profession, education, and the discipline to stimulate (inter)national collaboration and support young scholars’ careers in order to safeguard the next generation’s excellence. By regularly collaborating with other divisions of the German Communication Association and other academic and professional associations, networks among academics and/or practitioners are established and enlarged, information flow is enhanced, and multi-perspectivity is encouraged. The division also organizes business meetings and disseminates regular mailings. In addition to conferences, these tools serve to establish communication among members and ensure that members stay informed about the ongoing activities of the German Communication Association in general.